Sunday, May 20, 2012

Neutron decay, the Occam’s razor

The search of Higgs bosons and the investigation of Higgs field are trying to finalize the understanding of the weak force, and the neutron decay is the important case for it.

In the article “The Stability and Instability of the Neutron, “, it gives a simple reason for the neutron decay when it is a free particle (outside an nucleus) as follow:

... a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for an object to decay (i.e. disintegrate) is that the original object must have a mass which exceeds the sum of the masses of the objects to which it decays.”

This explanation is, of course, not wrong but is only a pacifier for the layman. In the Standard Model (SM), the neutron decays via a process of a weak boson W that mediates a d-quark spontaneously changing into a u-quark. Although the W boson was discovered and well-studied, its underlying mechanism (the Higgs mechanism) is not yet confirmed and is the key subject to be investigated at the LHC now.

Even this SM explanation is not logically sound. Decay by definition is a spontaneous internal self-disintegration process. For a sealed bloom to bust, its internal air pressure must be larger than the bloom surface strength being able to hold it. Thus, in the SM, the Higgs mechanism must be the source for the internal turmoil in neutron.

In that same article, it explains the stability of neutron in a nucleus as follow;

“The punchline is this: the interaction energy among the protons and neutrons is negative, and of sufficient magnitude that in some nuclei, a neutron decaying would cause the energy of the system (the leftovers from the nucleus after the neutrons’ decay, and any other particles emitted in the decay) necessarily to increase, thus violating the principle of the conservation of energy. Since energy is conserved, that makes the decay impossible. … the interaction energy that helps hold the deuteron together pulls the mass of the deuteron down — down far enough that for the neutron inside a deuteron to decay would violate the conservation of energy!”

Again, this explanation is not wrong but fails to state the precise process of how the Higgs mechanism (the internal turmoil in neutron) is suppressed when neutron is in a nucleus.  It also avoids the question why this internal turmoil mechanism is not causing the decay for proton, as the proton decay was initially predicted by the Standard Model, while it is not allowed in the Prequark Chromodynamics. Of course, this SM prediction was a failure.

Well, there are better explanations for these three issues; neutron’s decay vs. its stability and proton’s stability. A sealed bloom can be easily busted when it interacts with its environment (punched by a sharp point).  In the Prequark Chromodynamics, it gives the explanations as below.

1. When neutron is a free particle, it interacts with the space-time vacuum, and this interaction induces the neutron to decay,

2. When neutron is inside of a nucleus, its d-quark is interacting with the quarks of the proton and unable to interact with the space-time vacuum. Thus, it is stable inside of the nucleus.

The description of these two above is available in the article “Neutron Beta Decay, “.

3. For proton, it does not interact with the space-time vacuum. So, proton will not decay unless the energy of the space-time vacuum reaches to a level which can crash the proton. The description of this is available in the article “Proton's stability and its decay mode, “.

As these new explanations about the three issues above needs not any “internal turmoil mechanism”, the Higgs mechanism is not needed in Prequark Chromodynamics (PC). Thus, in the article “Predictions from Axiomatic physics, “, it has clearly predicted that Higgs boson of any kind and the Higgs mechanism (only as a shadow of the space-time vacuum) will be ruled out. That is, the neutron decay will be the Occam’s razor to cut the Higgs mechanism out eventually. 

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